I’m Switching My Blog Location…

Some of you may be wondering why I am choosing to switch my blog location. Let me explain… I am switching to the platform Strikingly because on WordPress I am getting so sick of the ads that come up, and there is no way to get rid of them without paying for an up-grade, but…

Question #6

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! I have been so busy lately. It is hard to believe that it is already December! When does your family decorate for Christmas? (Answer in the comments below.) This year my family decorated for Christmas on Thanksgiving Day! I like it when all of the decorations are up,…

Reading the Bible in Context.

For apologetics this year, I am going through The New Answers Book (Volume 1). It has been really good! I thought for this post that I would share with you something that I read the other day about reading the Bible in context. I hope that you enjoy it! “Reading the Bible “plainly” means understanding…

New Apple Trees! 🍎

The leaves on the trees look beautiful! We have been getting ready for the cold weather. My dad and brother have been splitting wood for the woodstove and stacking it. We have had the woodstove running some already. We recently were given two apple trees from a friend and decided to plant them along the…

Zero Compromise YouTube Podcast. (From Answers in Genesis.)

This YouTube podcast called Zero Compromise is from Answers in Genesis. They have lots of good videos about standing on God’s Word and not Compromising with this fallen world. I haven’t watched all of them yet, but the ones that I have watched so far have been really, really good! This is a great podcast…

Question #5

I don’t know about you all, but I really like hot tea! There are a lot of different kinds, so it is really hard to decide which one is my favorite! Here is a list of a few that I like the best… -Raspberry -Vanilla chai (it reminds me of fall!) -Mint (it is really…

Fall Wallpaper Projects

Thanks to several blogger friends, my sister and I have gotten into graphic designing! It has been so fun designing lots of things! (As you have probably noticed already! lol!) So, here are some fall wallpapers! I hope that you enjoy them! And Happy September!

This world is so Broken… (John 3:19) (Part ll)

We can see that the world we live in is very broken, but even non-Christians can see that something is terribly wrong with the world. Let’s look at why this world is broken and hurting. In the beginning, the world was perfect, and God called all that He created very good. There was no evil,…

Garden Remodeling Begins!

We have taken everything out of the garden except the asparagus. (But we are thinking of moving it at some point, I think.) We also took off some of the fencing around the garden, so that we can redo it. We did take out the second batch green bean plants, because they weren’t doing well….

Crochet Granny Square Gloves Project

I haven’t been posting as often I would like to, but we have been pretty busy with school, etc. So, sorry about that! I recently crochet some granny square fingerless gloves. I wanted the colors to match my winter coat, but also match a crochet bandana that I made a while back. So, I used…

The Body of Christ- We are Not Alone

This morning I read a post on the Rebelution and I thought that I would share it with you. This article is about facing ministry together and not having to do all the work alone. Here are some things that she said in the article that I really liked. “It is easy to think that…

New Additions to the Barnyard! 🐣🐤🐥

The chicks hatched! 7 of the 12 eggs made it! We moved the chicks to the barn yesterday and put 12 more eggs into the incubator. Here are some pictures! Also, recently we had another little visitor to the barn! 🦇 I don’t have a picture of this, but we also put another swing up…

Pie Potholder Crochet Project

I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to fall! 🍁🍂 This potholder wasn’t too hard to make, and it was very fast! The potholder itself is made up of two granny squares that I sewed together. I used a size G-6 (4.0mm) crochet hook. I used patterns from the crochet book “3D…

The New Barn Doors are Up!

Happy first day of September! We have been able to get quite a bit of stuff done! The weather has been really nice the last few days here! To start with, here are some pictures of the different steps with the overhang on the back of the barn. The addition makes the “porch” look so…

What and where is your Heart? (Matthew 6:21 & Psalm 37:4)

Something very important to think about is, where is your heart? But some of you may be thinking, what is my heart? Let me explain, when the Bible talks about your heart it is taking about your desires. In the Bible the word ‘heart’ is mentioned 862 times (in the ESV version.) In the Bible…

Time to Put Up Corn

We recently were able to get some sweet corn from a friend. We spent part of the day shucking the corn and then cutting it off the cob in the garage. Then we moved it to the house, where my mom blanched it on the stove, and put it into jars. The jars where then…

Photography Day!

Thanks to Briar (From the Grazing Daisy.), I know that today is Photography Day! So, I thought that I would share some photos with you! I hope that you enjoy them!

Owl Lovey Crochet Project

This crochet project isn’t too different than the cow project. The only thing that I did differently was… I made the head and arms using the pattern for the owl and skipped making the rest of the body. Also, I made the blanket purple and didn’t use the design on the chart like I did…

This World is so Broken…(John 3:19) (Part I)

Yesterday my family and I went to the state fair. One of the things that we noticed when we were there is that no one was smiling and happy, everyone was walking around like zombies. What does God say about this? Ever since Jesus came people have rejected Him, and want to do things themselves,…

Question #4

Something that I have been collecting are blue willow china dishes. Although, I think after collecting so much, I have almost all that I need! I found some pieces at goodwill, and after slowly picking up more each time we went, we then went to another thrift store, and I found a whole box full…

Rabbit Cages?

I haven’t done a post on our homestead in a while, so I figured that I would fill you in on the updates. The kittens are doing great! After a few days, we moved them from the old rabbit cage to the barn, so now they roam the yard. They love to sleep on the…

Prayer- 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer is so important. You can never pray too much! Today at church the sermon was on Colossians 1:29-2:5. As Christians we have battles in this world, but not all of them are physical. Paul says this in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the…

Crochet Cow Lovey Project

This is one of my latest crochet projects. I haven’t crocheted these before (but a lot of my projects I haven’t made before! 🤣) but I have made something similar with knitting. So, I used a size H crochet hook for the whole project, even though it said that you could use a smaller hook…


On Saturday we got two kittens! We got them so that they will catch mice in the barn. The little white and black one is named Danker, and the black one (mine 🙂) is named Spratt. On the way back home on Saturday we saw a sign on the side of the road that said…

Biblical Modesty

I know that this looks a little different than my other Bible posts, but I thought that I would share it with you anyway…… My sister wrote a post about Biblical modesty, and I wanted to share it with you. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have! 😃 The verse that…

Green Bean Season is Over…

Today, we pulled up our green bean plants, they were starting to slow down a bit, because of the heat I think.  This is a picture of the plants, from a few weeks ago. We piled them in the garage, and then pulled the beans off of the plants. After they were separated, we put…

Crochet Animal Blanket Project

I thought that I would share with you some of the crochet projects that I have finished, and I am planning on doing more posts with projects in the future, but for today…….. I recently finished this animal crochet blanket. Since last winter I have been working on making stuff to sell this November at…

Part of the True Vine- John 15:1-17

In this part of the book of John, Jesus describes believers as being branches that are connected to the True vine. (John 15:5,1) Before He says this, He also says in verse 2, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear…

Question #3

Right now, I am going through the book of Psalms. I’m at Psalm 139. What book of the Bible are you reading through right now? (Answer in the comments below.)

Cast Iron Corner

My sister and I both wanted to write about this, so we decided to write it together! Since we build our barn, we have more room in the garage, so we made a canning cast iron corner! Over the years our Dad has collected many cast iron items from garage sales, library book sales, and…

Matthew 5: 14- Salt & Light in this World.

The Bible describes us as salt and light in this world. In Matthew 5 it says, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13) We…


Finally, a good amount of rain! To start with, here are some pictures that I took today! This morning my brother picked green beans because he thought that it was going to rain again. As you can see, there was a lot! Since our brother picked them, my sister and I snaped them, and Mom…

Isaiah 58:10-11- A Servant’s Heart

A lot of people think that works (doing good) is what saves you, but this isn’t the right answer. In Ephesians Paul says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) That pretty much…

Flowers in Bloom!

I’m so glad that our flowers seem to be doing well! We were afraid that the chickens had dug some of them up earlier this year! I hope that we can grow even more flowers next year, especially wildflowers! I found the yellow flowers in the bin only a day or so ago, they are…

Ezekiel 36:26-27

One of the things that I like about these verses is how many times that God says,” I Will.” “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And…

Question #2

Happy first day for summer! If you are like me, it probably seems like we are already halfway through summer! 😂 Here are somethings that I am looking forward to this summer: ~Getting the barn done! 🥳 ~Knitting and crocheting more craft items to sell this winter at our local craft bazaar. ~Maybe do some…

Homestead Update: Get Ready

Get Ready! A lot of things in the garden are going to be ready soon! Our peas, tomatoes, and green beans, along with several other plants have flowers on them, which means that soon there will be stuff to pick. We were able to get more of the siding done on one side and put…

Isaiah 64:7

We each have a different story, and God is working in each and every one! We may not know exactly how the Lord is working, but He is! We can look to the Lord and trust in His ways. In Isaiah the Lord says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my…

Barn Update: Almost done!

Almost done! We still have a lot to do with the barn, but we are getting closer! We put on most of the siding and the roof, and even some flower boxes. We took down the old chicken coop and made a makeshift coop for the time being. They seem to be happier now that…

Thunder- Job 37:5

As I was looking for a verse to post today, I thought that I would do one about thunder, but when I found some verses on thunder, I couldn’t decide on just one. So, I thought that I would post them all. 😄 What I like about all of these verses is that you can…

Sea Of Glass- Revelation 15:2

Right now our church is going through the book of Revelation, and this past Sunday our pastor talked on chapter 15 verses 1-8. What especially caught my attention was verse two when they were talking about the sermon in our small group, they were saying that the sea of glass represented The Word of God….

Barn Update!

We are making progress on the barn! Yesterday we put the rafters up. The chicken coop is still inside the barn, and we had to move the fencing, so instead we have a movable fence that we are using at the moment. In this picture you can see that we put the windows in. You…

Psalm 119:103

The Word of the Lord is like honey! Later, in verse 105 of this psalm, it says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” We can use God’s Holy Word as our guide and our light. There is peace in doing His will, that doesn’t mean everything will be…

John 16:33

Throughout history, the people of God have been persecuted. Some examples are, Ester, The Israelites, The Jewish people, and the New Testament church. We can still see persecution happening today. But there is hope for God’s people, we as His children, can rely on Him as our Savior, Father, and Sovereign Lord!

Nooo! This Can’t Happen to Our Raspberries!

No! This past week my family discovered that our raspberries have a fungus on them that is killing the plants! This rust-colored fungus will slowly make the plants stop producing berries and then kills them. To stop this we are going to have to dig up all of the plants that have it and burn…

Habakkuk 1:5

Habakkuk isn’t probably a book of the Bible that you go to very often, it is one of those books that doesn’t get opened as often as it could be (or should be). I think that this verse can apply very well to the world that we live in today. As we near the return…

Psalm 107:19-21

Right now I am reading in the Psalms and last night I found these verses. I thought that it was really cool that it is an Old Testament verse yet you can still see that it applies to today! Since, it is the living and breathing Word of God we can expect this to happen…

Question #1

My family’s favorite dinner is probably either hamburgers 🍔 and oven potatoes, or homemade pizza. 🍕 What are yours? Answer in the comments below.


In the last few years, I have started to keep a journal and I have found it can be very fun! But, most of us have probably started at least one journal and later end up ripping the pages out to start again or to use the notebook for something else. I know that I…

Psalm 73:28

I think that Psalm 73:28 is my favorite verse in the Bible. (Not that I don’t have others that I like as well. 🙂) What I like about it is knowing that you can have a close relationship with God, and that He is not a far-off being that doesn’t really care about you. God…

Our Homestead.

To start with, we live on a one-acre homestead. My Dad and my brother are working on building a barn in our back yard. Right now, this is what it looks like. When we have more of the barn done the chicken coop (that is in the middle of the picture) will be moved, and…